Terms & Conditions

Summary of some of your key rights:
The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 say that you have a 14 day right to change your mind 
and get a full refund on your digital content. However, in addition to these statutory rights, we offer a 30 day (in total) money back guarantee, if you
are not happy with the Let's Do Probate Kit.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says digital content must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality, or if your digital content is 
faulty, you’re entitled to a repair or a replacement;

if the fault can’t be fixed, or if it hasn’t been fixed within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience, you can get some, 
or all of your money back;

if you can show the fault has damaged your device and we haven’t used reasonable care and skill, you may be entitled to a repair or compensation.

The information in this summary box summarises some of your key rights. It is not intended to replace the contract below which you should
read carefully.

 This contract sets out:
  • your legal rights and responsibilities;
  • our legal rights and responsibilities; and
  • certain key information required by law

 In this contract:
 • We, us or our means The Financial Rebel Ltd, trading as "Let's Do Probate" and "The Let's Do Probate Kit; and
 • You or your means the person buying digital content from us
  If you don’t understand any of this contract and want to talk to us about it, please contact us by:
 • email support@letsdoprobate.com and
 • calling 0330 029 0319

About Us:
We are registered in England and Wales under company number: 012815301
Our registered office is at: 27 Old Gloucester Street, LONDON, WC1N 3AX.

   1. Introduction
       A. If you buy digital content from us you agree to be legally bound by this contract.
       B. You may only buy digital content from our site for non-business reasons, for personal use or within your place of work.
       C. This contract is only available in English. No other languages will apply to this contract.
       D. When buying any digital content you also agree to be legally bound by our Website Terms and Conditions and any documents
           referred to in them 
   2. All these documents form part of this contract as though set out in full here.
        AInformation we give you
            By law, the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 say that we must give
            you certain key information before a legally binding contract between you and us is made. 
        B. read the acknowledgement email (see clause (a)); or
        C. contact us using the contact details at the top of this page.
        D. The key information we give you by law forms part of this contract (as though it is set out in full here).
        E. If we have to change any key information once a legally binding contract between you and us is made, we can only do this if you agree to it.

     3. Your privacy and personal information
         A. Your privacy and personal information are important to us. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with
             in line with our Privacy Policy, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store,
             use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us in the event you
             have a query or complaint about the use of your personal information.
         B. Our Privacy Policy is available at https://www.letsdoprobate.com/privacy-policy/

     4. Ordering digital content from us

         A. Below, we set out how a legally binding contract between you and us is made.
         B. You place an order for digital content by placing an order with us via our website .
              * When you place your order at the end of the online purchase process (e.g. when you click on the pay now), we will 
                 acknowledge it by email. This acknowledgement does not, however, mean that your order has been accepted.
              * We may contact you to say that we do not accept your order. This is typically for the following reasons:
                  a. the digital content is unavailable for some reason
                  b. we cannot authorise your payment;
                  c. you are not allowed to buy the digital content from us;
                  d. we are not allowed to sell the digital content to you; or
                  d. there has been a mistake on the pricing or description of the digital content or subscription service.
         C. We will only accept your order when we email you to confirm this (Confirmation Email). At this point:
              a. a legally binding contract will be in place between you and us; and
              b. the digital content will download automatically.
              c If you are under the age of 18 you may not buy any digital content from the site.

      4. No right to cancel this contract once downloading starts
          A. When you buy the digital content:
          B. you have no right to cancel this contract once the automatic downloading of it starts; and
          C. by clicking the "Download Now" or "Buy Now" button on the website, you acknowledge that you will lose
              your right of withdrawal from the contract once the automatic download of the digital content has begun.

      5. Permission to use the digital content
          A. When you buy the digital content and download it (see clause (c)(ii)), you will not own it. Instead, we give you permission to
               use it (also known as a ‘licence’) for the purpose of you using and enjoying it according to this contract.
          B. The digital content:
               1.  Is only suitable for use in England and Wales.
               2. may contain information which is owned by us or third parties or both. You must not conceal, change or remove any
                    markings which show who owns this information, such as copyright (©), registered trade mark (®) or unregistered
                    trademark (™) markings.
              3. may not be shared, copied or redistributed by you in any medium or format
              4. may not be:
                   a. changed by you and then the modified material distributed
                   b. sold by you to any third party;
                   c. used for any commercial purposes
                   d. copied by you except for a reasonable number of necessary back-ups

       6. Download
           A. Once you have clicked on the ‘pay now’ button (see clause 4.2 (a)) and received the acknowledgement email (see clause 4.2(c) you
               will be given a link to download the digital content and clicking on the download now button

           B. If something happens which:
               a. is outside of our control; and
               b. affects you being able to download the digital content;
         We will let you have a revised time for when you can expect to be able to download the digital content. If your computer or 
         device blocks the automatic download of the digital content or the automatic download does not start, you may still have the
         right to cancel the contract.

      7. Payment
          A. We accept the following credit cards and debit cards: Visa, Mastercard and American Express and through Paypal & Stripe: Visa,   
              Mastercard, Maestro, American Express. We do not accept cash.
          B. We will do all that we reasonably can to ensure that all of the information you give us when paying for the digital content is
              secure by using an encrypted secure payment mechanism. However, in the absence of negligence on our part, we will not be
              legally responsible to you for any loss that you may suffer if a third party gains unauthorised access to any information that
              you give us.
          C. Your credit card or debit card will only be charged when you start to download the digital content.
          D. All payments by credit card or debit card need to be authorised by the relevant card issuer. We may also need to use extra security steps via Verified by Visa, Mastercard®-SecureCodeTM, American Express SafeKey
           E. The price of the digital content is in pounds sterling (£)(GBP) includes VAT at the applicable rate; 

        8. Nature of the digital content
            A. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 gives you certain legal rights (also known as ‘statutory rights’), for example, that the digital
                1. is of satisfactory quality;
                2. is fit for purpose; and
                3. matches its description.
            B. We must provide you with digital content that complies with your legal rights.
            C. When we supply the digital content:
                 1. we will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that it is free from defects; viruses and other malicious content
                 2. we do not promise that it is compatible with any third party software or equipment except where we have said that it
                      is in the guide to its use or on our website; and
                 3. you acknowledge that there may be minor errors or bugs in it.
         9. Faulty digital content
             If the digital content is faulty in any way, please contact us to provide help with this or to replace the faulty content:

       10. Limit on our responsibility to you
              Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury) or arising under
              applicable laws relating to the protection of your personal information, we are not legally responsible for:
              A. losses that:
                     a. were not foreseeable to you and us when the contract was formed; or
                     b. that were not caused by any breach on our part
               B. business losses; and
               C. losses to non-consumers

        11. Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
               We offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product. You will need to provide proof of purchase to do this.
               Please email support@letsdoprobate.com as soon as possible, if you are unhappy with the product, and we will 
               arrange a refund to your original payment method.

"The Let's Do Probate " is a trading style of The Financial Rebel Company Ltd
Company Reg. No: 14624684 | Registered Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, LONDON, WC1N 3AX |

Telephone: 0330 229 0319

                  Copyright - The Financial Rebel Company Ltd (2021 - 2025)

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